SEQUENCING 101 - Page 9
This is where YOUR genius mind comes into play.
I have no idea of your display so it is impossible for me to offer opinion or advice of what specific items to turn on and off. Only you can do that.
The first thing that I do is listen to the song and try to imagine what lights I want to come on at certain parts or what effects would look really cool. Get creative and don't use the same effect over and over again. Mix it up and remember that you don't always have to have EVERYTHING on at once.
Save that for climactic points of the songs. Also, depending on the size and outlay don't have something going on at one side and the same effect going on at the other side. This is particularly important to displays that cover a large area.
For example, I have seen displays that cover as much as 1000 feet across. If the display is not viewed from a far enough distance people cant comprehend what is happening and it is just a bunch of flashing lights to them. REMEMBER, it is the visitor that you are trying to impress, not you.
Again, this not only depends on your layout but more importantly on how people will be viewing your display. Put yourself in THEIR mind and ask yourself, does this look good?
As you sequence more and more you will learn all the tricks of fades, shimmers, twinkles, etc. I cannot teach you that. Also, don't repeat the same effect for too long. It gets boring after a while. I try and limit certain effects, specifically the beat, to about 15 seconds and then switch to something else.
For the beat, I might use my mini trees flashing all at once, then the reindeer sweeping back and forth, then the mega trees, etc. Mix it up, use your imagination and always put yourself in the shoes of your viewers and you will do fine. Happy Sequencing, and feel free to email me anytime with specific questions.