To My Wife, Stella - Continued
Thank you for all the times you helped me with the show
Thank you for all the times you let me weld "just one more frame"
Thank you for all the times you sacrificed your wants so I could work on the show
Thank you for all the times you helped by greeting people and passing out candy canes
Thank you for putting up with all my little tantrums when the lights wouldn't work
Thank you for all the times you sat in front of the TV alone while I sequenced a song
Thank you for all the times you wanted to tell me to get off the computer, but didn't
Thank you for all the times you told me to stop cussing
Thank you for all the compliments on my efforts even when you were tired of talking about lights.
Thank you for your patience
Thank you for you understanding
Thank you for being my wife
None of the displays could be possible without all of the contributions of my wife. So the next time you come to see the lights and you see us out front, please give your thanks to Stella. She deserves it more than me.